Fundraising, funding, generating and earning income, giving, donations.
Is the email dead yet? Talk to any of my teenagers – or most of their friends – and you would think the day of the email was well and truly gone. I recently told my 18-year-old that I had emailed a copy of her sister’s CV to her as it was really well written.…
The pandemic has made e-learning more relevant than ever, with teachers being forced to adjust to new, tech-based methods. The extent to which this will remain commonplace is up for debate. But what does seem clear is that some of the changes we’ve seen in EdTech will have an impact on how underserved communities are…
Getting your shop front in order Creating a great charity website is no mean feat. Get your website right and it will help you in so many ways from raising funds and finding volunteers to raising your profile and enabling you to campaign better. Most importantly of all, it can help you reach out to…
One of my little end of year tasks included cleaning out my office. In the process, I came across a whole host of nuggets of inspiration and wisdom on post-it notes and notes from fundraising seminars and conferences I’ve attended over the years. To help you start off the New Year on a high note,…
What a year. 2021 has been (another) year of challenge and struggle for many of us. But today the team and I at Fundraising Consultants Ltd wanted to pause and be thankful. Yes there have been tough times. But for us as a team, it’s been an incredible year. We have had the privilege to work…