For many non-profit organisations, writing a case for support can feel like a daunting task. This is an area of fundraising that many charities tell us they struggle with.

Over the years, our team of charity consultants have worked with hundreds of charities and not-for-profit organisations to help them develop a strong case for support. Each charity client is different; the support we offer is always tailored to the organisation’s specific circumstances, competencies, capacity and budget.

For some organisations we offer ‘lighter touch’ support. This typically involves coaching and supporting their fundraisers to develop the case for themselves. For many other charities, we develop the case for support for them from scratch.

Whatever support you need, it is worth remembering that having a powerful case for support will:

  • Save you time: Your case for support will be the cornerstone document of all fundraising and marketing. It will also help guide anyone who talks about or represents your charity externally. Having a case for support in place is therefore a great tool for everyone, saving time for staff, trustees, volunteers and ambassadors. The days of everyone having to reinvent the wheel will be long gone!
  • Bring you together: If well managed, the process of developing a case for support will bring people together. Staff, volunteers, beneficiaries, trustees and donors can be involved. Many clients tell us that the process of developing the case is as beneficial to the organisation as the case for support itself.
  • Pay for itself many times over: A powerful case statement will help you recruit new donors and funders and inspire existing supporters to engage more fully with you. Put simply, if you have a great case for support, the money will follow.

Get in touch today to find out how we can help you develop a case for support that inspires and empowers people to support you.