A fundraising audit or review provides a snapshot of how well your fundraising is working, and how that compares with similar organisations.

We can do a deep dive into a specific income stream, such as trust fundraising or can audit all of your fundraising activity. A fundraising audit typically takes between 3 and 8 days, depending on the level of detail required, your size and of course your budget. For small charities and CICs that don’t have the budget for an in depth review, we offer a ‘light touch’ fundraising audit.

The fundraising audit is often a great starting point for our work with a new client. In many cases, we the audit forms part of a wider package of support. A fundraising audit is often a useful lead-in to the development of a fundraising strategy. We can also audit / review your fundraising as a standalone piece. Whatever you choose, you will come away from the process with:

  • an impartial, expert assessment of your fundraising performance and potential
  • recommendations for improving fundraising performance and which income streams and activities to focus your time and resources on
  • a written report or presentation detailing our findings and recommendations which you can share with your Trustees

Fundraising audits are one of our most popular services. Over the past 10 years audit clients have included London-based relationships charity OnePlusOne,  the Red Horse Foundation which supports vulnerable people  across Gloucestershire, and medical research charity Kidney Research UK. See our fundraising case studies page for more information.


For more information about fundraising audits, please get in touch.

To download a free copy of our guide to fundraising audits, please email us on hello@fundraisingconsultants.co.uk