Fundraising, funding, generating and earning income, giving, donations.

How SEO can give your charity the edge

By Ethan Kuhn Whether your organisation supports domestic abuse victims, educates children in Africa or rescues stray cats, chances are you are pretty competent at and confident in what you do. Delivering services is one thing. But when it comes to the world of digital, many charities feel far less confident. And for many voluntary organisations, SEO…


Writing persuasive fundraising copy

Copywriting is crafting words that sell. Whether you’re a company selling fizzy drinks or a charity asking for funds, words are crucially important if you are to persuade, inspire and elicit a response. But great copy doesn’t just happen. Some of the world’s best copywriters have trained for years, and their work is often the…

The Fundraising Coach – and why we all need one

If there’s one rule in fundraising that I’m more convinced about than ever, it’s that great fundraising and coaching go hand in hand. Whether you’re a fundraising director, manager, fundraising assistant or volunteer, coaching can transform the way you think, relate and fundraise. Fundraising is tough Let’s face it, fundraising can be a tough business.…

Case for Support Development

How to create a culture of philanthropy

Organisational culture isn’t something that fundraisers talk about very much. But to thrive, successful fundraising needs the right climate. And that’s where culture comes in.   What is a culture of philanthropy? Also known as a ‘fundraising culture’, charities that embody a culture of philanthropy view everyone as an ambassador for the organisation. They believe…