
Writing persuasive fundraising copy

Copywriting is crafting words that sell. Whether you’re a company selling fizzy drinks or a charity asking for funds, words are crucially important if you are to persuade, inspire and elicit a response. But great copy doesn’t just happen. Some of the world’s best copywriters have trained for years, and their work is often the…

Love that Hurts

“This is the meaning of true love, to give until it hurts.” Mother Teresa. Valentine’s Day has again been and gone. Images of romantic love abound: roses, champagne, chocolates, intimate dinners for two. But instead of romantic love, I’ve been reflecting on a different kind of love. A love that is more gritty than pretty.…

Sharpening up for 2021

The year like no other is over. But there is more to come. So, what can your charity or non-profit organisation do to survive – and even thrive – over the weeks and months ahead? As a fundraising consultancy business we are resolving to focus on three areas in 2021. I’m sharing our new year…