One of my little end of year tasks included cleaning out my office. In the process, I came across a whole host of nuggets of inspiration and wisdom on post-it notes and notes from fundraising seminars and conferences I’ve attended over the years.
To help you start off the New Year on a high note, I thought I’d share my favourites with you. And I hope they will help you feel inspired and excited as you move into 2022.
Charity fundraisers can often get so caught up in the day to day of fundraising: writing funding applications and appeal letters, thanking donors and funders, organising events and doing prospect research. And without a bit of inspiration, we can become dejected and burnt out. So, before you get going with your fundraising activities, get inspired first.
Five gems of wisdom for charity fundraisers
Here are five fundraising gems that have helped me over the years — often picked up at conferences, and workshops or from those who have mentored, managed or supported me.
1. Play the odds.
It’s almost too obvious to mention. But it’s important so I will. You’ll need to get through the “no’s” to get to the “yes’s.” Even the greatest most experienced fundraisers have had their fair share of the no word.
2. No is not the same as never.
No doesn’t mean never, it simply means not today. Ask donors and funders what they would like to do, what they can commit to now, and how you might continue the conversation.
3. Assume the best from your major donors
As fundraisers, we often assume a major donor won’t meet with us or give us a gift. Instead, assume they WILL, and bring that energy to your conversations.
4. Provide “yes” choices.
Provide an abundance of yesses when you ask questions of your donors. For example, ask:
- Would you like to meet on Tuesday or Thursday?
- Would you like to support the youth work or our project with the elderly?
5. Talk to your beneficiaries and staff
If your case for support is dreary and lacklustre, it may be that you need to speak with those people your charity helps, as well as those working directly with them. What difference has the charity made to them? How do they feel now? What does the future hold? Ask some meaningful questions – and you’ll get some inspiring answers
So, whether you’re a Fundraising Director, fundraiser, volunteer, trustee or charity CEO, I – and all the team at Fundraising Consultants Ltd – wish you the best of luck with your fundraising for 2022.
To find out more about how Fundraising Consultants can advise on fundraising success, please get in touch.