Meet the Team

Charmaine Farrugia, Charity Consultant and Director

Fundraising Consultant Charmaine has a 20-year track record of senior roles in the charity and public sectors, including a management role within Richmond Borough Council. Having started her career as a Social Worker, Charmaine has a Masters in Youth and Community work and has extensive experience in raising funds; including securing EU grants, statutory contracts, local and national funding and partnership sponsorship. Among Charmaine’s specialist are include trusts and grants, major gifts and impact measurement.

Based in Surrey, Charmaine mostly works with charities in London, the South East and the South West. These include Brighton Youth Centre, international youth charity Ditch the Label and Red Horse Foundation, a small CIC supporting people from Bristol and across Gloucestershire who have been affected by trauma.

Charmaine joined the Fundraising Consultants team in 2019, after finishing a role as Head of Youth and Community Work with Surrey’s leading youth charity, Eikon.

Ethan Kuhn, Fundraising Consultant and Director

Ethan brings extensive fundraising and leadership experience, particularly in education. A US national, Ethan has led fundraising programmes for educational institutions in the US and UK. The first was as Associate Director of Development & Alumni at The White Mountain School, New Hampshire. He saw the School through the planning and ‘quiet stage’ of a $7 million fundraising campaign as campaign manager, launched the School’s international giving programme, and directed the Annual Fund and alumni programming. Most recently, Ethan served as the inaugural Director of Development at St Benet’s Hall, University of Oxford, where he was tasked with creating a comprehensive fundraising programme for the Hall. This involved a complete audit and rethink of the Hall’s existing programme and the development of short-, mid-, and long-term strategies with the assistance of the St Benet’s Trust, the international advisory board, and both collegiate and University leadership. Ethan is currently a trustee of his university fraternity’s alumni board and has served as a trustee or fundraising subcommittee member for multiple environmental and art charities.

With skills across all fundraising disciplines, Ethan particularly enjoys working with small charities and new start ups. His current clients include Brighton-based international youth charity Ditch the Label, and education charity Curriculum for Life. Ethan is also the Founder and Director of Granite Philanthropy.

Sarah Squire, Fundraising Consultant and Founder

Charity consultant Sarah has been a fundraiser for over two decades, including 10 years as Founding Director and Lead Fundraising Consultant at Fundraising Consultants Ltd. Sarah started her charity career in 1997 with Tearfund, as their first ever Trust and Corporate Fundraiser. From starting out in trust fundraising, Sarah has worked across all the main income streams, including individual giving, major donors, legacies, trusts and corporates.

Over the past 20 years Sarah has helped raise millions of pounds for UK charities and CICs as a freelancer, in-house fundraiser and fundraising consultant. These include Surrey’s leading youth charity Eikon, Cambridge-based medical research charity, Alzheimer’s Research UK, the health charity Meningitis Now, and faith-based organisations that include Cambridge Community Church and Bible Society

With a degree in Modern Languages from the University of Bath, Sarah has always been interested in language as a communication tool, and this is what sparked her interest in fundraising. Sarah has a Postgraduate Diploma in Charity Marketing and Fundraising from Southbank University and a Certificate in Philanthropic Fundraising Copywriting from the Institute of Sustainable Philanthropy.

Based in Chippenham, Wiltshire, Sarah works with charities mainly in the South East and South West of England, as well as further afield. Current clients include Oxfordshire-based Christian charity, Innovista, the Royal Cornwall Museum and the Halow Project, a charity supporting learning-disabled young people across Surrey.

Sarah is an accredited trainer for C-Me and is passionate about using this tool to improve relationships with donors and funders.

Sean Tully, Charity Fundraising Consultant

A  Trusts and Foundations specialist with a successful career spanning almost 20 years across grant-making and trust fundraising, Sean has experience in a range of sectors including homelessness, refugees and asylum seekers, and Christian faith churches and charities, bringing a knowledgeable and personable approach to his consultancy work.

Sean splits his time between a role as Trusts Manager with a national charity; the regular delivery of training and webinars on the subject of church capital appeals and trusts fundraising; and his own consultancy and freelance work in the East Midlands. He has held grant assessment roles with the National Lottery Community Fund, Comic Relief and the Armed Forces Benevolent Fund.

Joanna Brill, Coach and Consultant

A professionally trained coach and trainer, Joanna joined the Fundraising Consultants team in 2020.

After a 10 year career as a marketing communications professional in telecoms and investment management she successfully certified as a coach and has run her own coaching practice. With over 10 years’ experience working with executive, business and life coaching clients from around the world, Joanna brings her expertise in professional coaching to create new thinking and new approaches in the charity, social enterprise, and community impact sectors

With a background in Innovation and Development, Joanna inspired people to be change-makers and leaders. Her coaching focuses on potential, possibilities and innovation; she equips charity leaders, fundraisers and teams to reach their potential and deliver exceptional results. With a passion for education, Jo is also chair of Engage, Excel, Enrich Academies Aldershot, Hampshire.

Caroline Dewfall – Qualified Coach and Fundraising Consultant

After a degree in psychology, Caroline ‘fell into’ a fundraising role, loved it and has now worked in the sector for 25 years. She spent 12 years in fundraising management at director level – including at Cancer Research UK and the British Liver Trust – where she managed all fundraising income streams. She has enjoyed working as a consultant for the past 9 years, supporting many small-medium sized charities with fundraising, strategic planning and training – including Age UK Bath & North East Somerset, Lewis-Manning Hospice Care, National Osteoporosis Society, Children and Families Across Borders, Designability, Diverse Abilities, Florence Nightingale Foundation and the British Trust for Ornithology.

Caroline is qualified as a coach (with a diploma from the Coaching Academy) and finds the power of coaching very exciting and rewarding. She is available to support clients to focus on goals relating to increasing income, maximising performance, developing confidence and leadership skills, managing the process of change – especially pertinent due to the pandemic in terms of developing new models for service delivery or fundraising – and managing conflict. She is accredited in DISC profiling and enjoys using this tool with individuals or with teams to facilitate increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence, and improving communication, teamwork and fulfillment in the workplace.

Caroline is passionate about supporting individuals and organisations to thrive and to achieve their full potential.

Tesni Daniel, Consultant and Individual Giving Specialist

After gaining an MA in Victorian Literature, Tesni followed a career in direct marketing that eventually led her to focus on fundraising, a sector she found particularly interesting and fulfilling. Now, she has over 20 years’ experience specialising in Individual Giving, encompassing data-driven fundraising programmes across all channels.

Her clients, many of whom she has worked with on numerous projects over the years, span a wide variety of causes, all requiring different strategic and practical approaches.

Tesni has undertaken numerous senior client-side interim roles in large charities – including the National Trust and Mind – and has also worked in senior client service roles on charity accounts in a variety of agencies in the South West. She is thus able to draw on a unique combination of perspectives to bring a fresh and innovative approach to every project.

As well as providing strategic consultancy – ranging from supporter journey planning to database migration – for a diverse range of large and medium sized charities such as Blue Cross, Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT) and Royal Osteoporosis Society, Tesni also regularly works with a number of very small charities, for example Reaching the Unreached of Rural India (RTU), as their ‘go to’ external resource.

Focusing on income generation with the best possible return on investment from very limited budgets and staff resources, Tesni provides ongoing expert input, planning, creating and implementing appeal and stewardship programmes, identifying new opportunities, helping to manage databases and websites – and generally being on hand to provide considered advice whenever it is required.


Lindy Burleigh, Trust Fundraising Specialist

Lindy is a trusts and foundations specialist, with 16 years of professional fundraising experience. After a career in publishing, she chose to put her writing and communication skills to use in the not-for-profit sector.

Lindy started off with the literacy charity, Beanstalk, and went on to raise funds for a range of charities. In her last role as Senior Philanthropy Manager, Lindy led the trusts and foundations strategy and function at a women’s health charity, Wellbeing of Women, and worked with a portfolio of trusts and foundations – including the Garfield Weston Foundation, the James Tudor Foundation and the Burdett Trust for Nursing – to deliver improvements in women’s healthcare through funding medical research projects, education and training.

Previously, Lindy was Senior Development Manager at the National Army Museum and worked on a capital appeal to refurbish and update the museum. She established a trust fundraising income stream from scratch, securing six-figure grants from the City Bridge Trust, the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation and the Foyle Foundation. Lindy’s interest is in building long-term relationships with trusts and foundations to achieve sustainable income for not-for-profit organisations.

Judith Rosten, Associate

Judith is a Trusts and Foundations fundraising specialist with over 10 years’ professional fundraising experience. Prior to this she worked in heritage protection in the not-for-profit sector. She has experience across a range of causes, including veteran support, youth and homelessness, delivering funding from a wide portfolio of funders including statutory sources.

Judith particularly enjoys working with small-medium sized charities, supporting them to develop their projects and secure the funding to deliver them. She is experienced across all aspects from prospect research, project development and application preparation, and enjoys transforming ideas and information into compelling bids.

Prior to joining the not-for-profit sector Judith earned PhD in Romano-British Archaeology.

Stephen Hudd, Associate

Having spent over twenty five years in the sector, Stephen is a highly experienced Charity & NGO Fundraising, Marketing and Communications leader and consultant; mostly in Director of Fundraising and interim Director of Fundraising roles. His successes have encompassed substantial amounts of strategy-focused and hands-on work for small, medium and larger charities.

He has significant achievements in strategy development; trusts and foundations; major donors; corporate partnerships; individual giving; legacies; events; bid strategy and management, including partner negotiations and contracts; and UK and international government contracts/tenders and grants.